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The Greek Centre


Greek Community of Melbourne, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia


Exterior – Free to view

Interior – This building contains mixed use spaces. Businesses can be visited subject to opening hours; access to some other areas may be restricted.

Accessibility – This building is accessible

Architectural History

A tour of Greek-influenced architecture in Melbourne would not be complete without a quick stop by the Lonsdale Street Greek Precinct. The Greek Centre for Contemporary Culture, which is located on the north corner of the Russell and Lonsdale intersection, features a very special and prominent Frieze on its lower floors. First unveiled in 2017 with recent subsequent updates, this marble marvel is a replica of the Parthenon Frieze North XLII and Parthenon Frieze North XLIII, which depict the Panethenaic procession of horsemen.

Prompts & Activities

  • Why do you think the architect used Greek influences in this building? How does it relate to its purpose, and the people who occupy it?

  • In comparison, how is it used today, and is this thinking still relevant? Or does the modern use of the building subvert its history?

  • Why do you think these particular friezes were chosen for the facade?

  • What is your favourite element of this building? Does it have interesting ornamentation? What part does this element play in the overall design of the building, and why might it have been included? You might like to draw your favourite components! Observational sketching is a great way to get a deeper understanding of something.

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