General Terms & Conditions
Current as of October 2024
The following terms and conditions apply to all persons who visit Hellenic Museum Sites and/or purchase tickets to events and programs managed by the Hellenic Museum. By visiting Hellenic Museum Sites and/or purchasing Tickets, you agree and acknowledge you are bound by the relevant Terms. Please read them carefully.
1.0 Conditions of General Entry
1.1 General Conduct
While on Hellenic Museum Sites, you must:
1.1.1 Comply with any direction from Hellenic Museum personnel, including in the case of an emergency.
1.1.2 Follow the directions of all instructional and safety signage
1.1.3 Conduct yourself in a manner which, in the reasonable opinion of the Hellenic Museum, does not Interfere with, disrupt or offend other persons on the Sites Risk injury or damage to yourself or others Risk damage to Hellenic Museum property, including touching or leaning on exhibits, running, hitting or other reckless behaviour
1.1.4 Wear appropriate clothing and footwear at all times.
1.1.5 Accept that you enter the Sites at your own risk and acknowledge that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the Hellenic Museum is not responsible for any loss, damage, harm or injury arising from your entry to the premises.
1.2 Admittance
1.2.1 All patrons must have a valid ticket and be able to present it on request. Patrons who purchase a ‘concession’ ticket must, upon request, present a valid concession card. Concessions accepted include domestic and international student cards, seniors’ cards, pensioner concession cards, veteran cards and health care cards.
1.2.2 Ticket holders may request a ‘pass out’ to leave the premises and return on the same date as specified on their ticketing receipt.
1.2.3 General admission entitles ticket holders access to public-facing spaces inside the Hellenic Museum, and the publicly accessible exhibits in the Hellenic Museum forecourt. Back-of-house spaces and the rear courtyard are not open to public visitors.
1.2.4 The Hellenic Museum is closed on all Victorian public holidays, and for a set period over Christmas and New Years, with dates announced annually.
1.3 Smoking
Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes and vaping, is not permitted anywhere on Hellenic Museum Site. This is with the exception of private venue hire, where guests may be permitted to smoke in designated outdoor smoking areas, at the discretion of the event organisers.
1.4 Parking
The Hellenic Museum does not have on-site parking. Any unauthorised parking on the Hellenic Museum forecourt will result in vehicles being towed at owner’s expense. For nearby transport and parking options, please see Plan Your Visit.
1.5 Children & Child Supervision
1.5.1 All children must be accompanied and actively supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.
1.5.2 Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring any children in their care do not breach these Terms & Conditions
1.5.3 Strollers, pushchairs, buggies and similar equipment must be kept with you at all times, or collapsed for cloaking. When in use, they must not obstruct pathways or otherwise impede or present a hazard to other visitors.
1.6 Prohibited Items
The following items are prohibited and must not be brought onto Hellenic Museum Sites:
1.6.1 Any animal, other than an assistance animal accredited under a State or Territory law to assist a person with a disability or that is accredited by an animal training organisation
1.6.2 Bicycles and scooters
1.6.3 Professional photography or videography equipment, as well as photography or videography accessories including but not limited to selfie sticks, tripods and additional lighting. For further information see Section 4.0 Photography & Filming.
1.6.4 Any items which may be considered dangerous or capable of damage to persons or property, including but not limited to any kind of real or toy weapon, dangerous substances, aerosol containers, laser pointers, balloons or drones
1.6.5 Any item which is considered capable of being used to cause damage to Museum collections or to conceal a collection object for removal
1.7 Personal Belongings & Cloaking
1.7.1 The following items are not permitted inside Hellenic Museum galleries and must be deposited in the provided lockers prior to entry: Any bags or other belongings larger than A4 paper size Umbrellas Food and drink Any note taking or art supplies, other than those permitted under Section 1.8 Note Taking & Sketching Any other items as directed by Hellenic Museum personnel
1.7.2 Belongings not stowed in lockers must be kept with you at all times.
1.7.3 While the Hellenic Museum will exercise all due care in supervising goods deposited in lockers, the Hellenic Museum cannot accept liability for loss or damage to these or any other personal items.
1.7.4 Lost items that are handed to the front desk are kept for 30 days. If you have lost an item during a visit, please contact us promptly and provide your contact details along with a thorough description of the item.
1.8 Note Taking & Sketching
1.8.1 The Hellenic Museum welcomes sketching and note-taking in permitted galleries. Galleries which include restrictions on photography are also restricted from sketching or note taking.
1.8.2 Only sketchbooks or notebooks that are A4 or smaller in size, greylead pencils, sharpeners and erasers are permitted inside Hellenic Museum galleries. Any other materials are not permitted, including but not limited to markers, charcoal, paint, boards or easels.
1.8.3 Visitors who are note-taking or sketching must not interfere with the experience of others, block access to gallery spaces or create potential hazards.
1.8.4 Visitors must take all materials with them upon leaving, including any rubbish such as pencil shavings.
1.9 Denial or Removal from Premises
The Hellenic Museum reserves the right to refuse or revoke entry to any visitor at any time, at its sole discretion.
2.0 Ticketing & Events
Further to 1.0 Conditions of General Entry, guests at programs or events delivered by the Hellenic Museum are subject to the following additional terms.
2.1 Late arrival
Late arrival may result in non-admittance. Doors typically close 20 minutes after an event begins. Patrons will not be admitted after this time and tickets will be forfeit.
2.2 Electronic Devices
Phones and other electronic devices should be put into silent mode or switched off before an event begins.
2.3 Assigned seating
Guests may be asked to shift seats to ensure an event runs smoothly.
3.0 Terms of Sale
3.1 Ticketing
3.1.1 The Hellenic Museum will grant you entry to the Sites and/or access to the Goods and Services upon presentation of a valid Ticket.
3.1.2 Except where required by law or otherwise detailed in these Terms, all Tickets are: valid only for the specific Goods and Services for which they have been issued valid only if payment has been made in full prior to entry, and valid only for the specific date, time and any other conditions stated on the Ticket (or sales receipt)
3.2 Refund Policy
3.2.1 All ticket sales are final. Refunds may be given up to five (5) business days prior to the event. After this time no refunds will be given, except as required under the Australian Consumer Law.
3.2.2 Refunds will not be made for: change of mind inadvertently booking the wrong session if there is a change to your personal circumstances if you arrived late for your timed session, or if you did not enjoy the event
3.2.3 Unless specified by the Hellenic Museum or required by Australian Consumer Law, transaction fees are non-refundable. Refunds will be made for the value of your order, minus any transaction fees. Every payment made through the Hellenic Museum website includes a Stripe transaction fee of 1.7% + A$0.30 for Australian cards, or 3.5% + A$0.30 for international cards. Event ticket purchases are subject to an additional 2.5% Wix fee.
3.2.4 Staff working at the Hellenic Museum on the day of an event are not able to provide refunds.
3.3 Cancelled and Rescheduled Events
3.3.1 Notification: If an event is cancelled or rescheduled, we will use reasonable endeavours to notify you. If you book online, we will use your supplied contact information, so you should ensure these details are correct when placing your order.
3.3.2 Cancellation: If an event for which you have purchased tickets is cancelled in full (and not rescheduled), your order will be cancelled, and you will be refunded the price of your tickets. If you have purchased tickets for an event that takes place over several days and one or more days (but not all days) are cancelled, you may only be offered a partial, pro-rata refund.
3.3.3 Rescheduled Events: If an event for which you have purchased tickets is rescheduled, tickets will be valid for the new date. If you notify us before the specified deadline (which will be a reasonable period from the time the rescheduled event date is announced) that you are unable to attend the rescheduled event, you will be able to cancel your order and obtain a refund of the sale price of your tickets. Failure to notify us by any reasonable specified deadline that you are unable to attend the rescheduled event will be deemed to be a reconfirmation of your order for tickets for the rescheduled event, and you will not be able to claim a refund as a result of the reschedule (unless required by applicable law). For the avoidance of doubt, no refunds will be available until the new date is announced (which will be done within a reasonable time) to allow the Hellenic Museum to make arrangements for the rescheduled event.
3.4 Force Majeure Event
If the Hellenic Museum cannot deliver the event (in whole or in part) due to a Force Majeure Event, the Hellenic Museum may, at their sole discretion:
3.4.1 Reschedule. The Hellenic Museum may reschedule an event and allow you to redeem your Ticket for any rescheduled date(s) as advertised on the Website or otherwise notified to you. In these circumstances, we will hold payment for your Ticket and you shall not be entitled to a refund unless you notify us within four (4) weeks of publication of the rescheduled date that you cannot attend
3.4.2 Relocate. The Hellenic Museum may relocate any Events to an alternate venue or location. Where the new venue or location is significantly different to the original venue or location notified to you at the time of purchase, you may be entitled to a refund if you notify the Hellenic Museum within four (4) weeks of publication of the new venue or location that you cannot attend;
3.4.3 Cancellation. If the event is cancelled by the Hellenic Museum due to a Force Majeure Event, then we will grant you a refund (less any booking fees and charges). Refunds should be applied for within four (4) weeks from the announcement of cancellation.
3.4.4 If only part of the Event/s are cancelled, significantly relocated, rescheduled, or otherwise significantly varied, we may offer you a pro-rata refund if it is reasonable to do so in the circumstances.
3.5 GST
GST will apply to all goods and services supplied through this site.
4.0 Photography & Filming
Photographs and video captured at Hellenic Museum Sites cannot be published, sold, reproduced, transferred, distributed, or commercially exploited. The following terms apply to all areas of the Hellenic Museum Sites including the building façade, porticos, interior, and rear courtyard.
4.1 What is permitted
4.1.1 Non-flash photography and video recording for non-commercial, private enjoyment only, in non-restricted areas
4.1.2 Hand-held, non-professional cameras without flash
4.1.3 Personal cellular devices without flash
4.2 What is not permitted
4.2.1 Use of flash
4.2.2 Any recordings or identifiable photographs of any person without the permission of the person or their legal guardian
4.2.3 Any unauthorised photoshoots and staged photography including but not limited to photo/film shoots, modelling shots, engagement shoots, or anything intended for commercial use
4.2.4 Photography or videography must not interfere with, disrupt, offend, or pose a risk or hazard to any other persons
4.2.5 Photography or videography must not obstruct any pathways, or prevent or discourage other visitors from fully accessing galleries
4.2.6 Photography and videography of specific works or gallery spaces with photography restrictions
4.2.7 The use of other photography or videography equipment including but not limited to selfie sticks, tripods, monopods, drones, additional lighting or any professional-grade equipment
4.2.8 Large equipment cannot be stored in lockers. If you bring it to the Museum, you will not be able to enter.
4.2.9 Any photography or video capture of Hellenic Museum programs and events which is excessive or not intended for personal enjoyment, such as the unauthorised recording of lectures or tours
4.3 Photography & videography permits
4.3.1 Anything which may be considered non-personal use or a ‘photoshoot’ requires a Photography & Videography Permit
4.3.2 Permits may attract a fee in line with factors including but not limited to shoot duration, impact, and intended usage of photos/video
4.3.3 Permit enquiries should be emailed to with the following details: full name; contact details; company, if applicable; purpose of shoot/intended usage of assets; desired shoot date/s; desired museum space/s; full list of crew and equipment
4.3.4 Permit enquiries must be submitted with a minimum notice period of 10 business days prior to the desired shoot date. The Hellenic Museum endeavours to respond to enquiries in 3–5 business days.
4.4 Photography and videography by the Hellenic Museum
4.4.1 Visitors to the Hellenic Museum, and its events and programs, may be photographed, videotaped, or otherwise recorded.
4.4.2 By visiting, visitors grant the Museum permission to use photographs and/or audiovisual recordings in which visitors appear for archival, documentary, publicity, advertising, or other purposes.
4.5 Rights reserved
4.5.1 The Hellenic Museum reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises or to reproduce photographs of objects in its collections.
4.5.2 Visitors who are deemed to not be in compliance with this policy may be asked to cease photography or videography, or issued a directive to leave the premises, at the discretion of Museum personnel
4.6 Photography Under Venue Hire Agreements
This policy excludes anyone who has a signed venue hire agreement with Showtime Event Group and the Hellenic Museum. In this instance, photography or videography may be included or negotiated as part of your venue hire agreement. Questions regarding this should be referred to your designated contact at Showtime Event Group.
5.0 Copyright, Publication & Reproduction
5.1 Copyright
5.1.1 The Hellenic Museum respects artistic and intellectual property rights. Many of the works displayed at the Hellenic Museum are subject to copyright legislation. The artist/copyright holder retains the right to reproduce a work of art.
5.1.2 No image, documentation or sound recording displayed at the Hellenic Museum or appearing on Hellenic Museum digital channels (such as its website and social media) may be reproduced, communicated or copied without permission, other than for the purposes of research or study. Use of and referral to this material is allowed for the purposes of research or study so long as full and proper attribution is given.
5.1.3 Unauthorised commercial publication or reproduction of any part of the Hellenic Museum Collection is prohibited.
5.2 Copyright permission
It is your responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright holders or their agent before a reproduction of any work or any other content is made. Not adhering to these conditions may constitute an infringement of copyright which may incur penalties including fines.
5.3 Reproduction or Publication of works
5.3.1 If you wish to reproduce any works displayed at the Hellenic Museum or which appear on the Hellenic Museum website, please contact the Hellenic Museum via
5.3.2 Reproduction or publication of works may be subject to conditions or costs at the discretion of the Hellenic Museum
6.0 Privacy and Access
6.1 Any personal information that the Hellenic Museum collects from your use of this web site will be maintained in accordance with the Hellenic Museum Information Privacy Policy.
6.2 The Hellenic Museum may refuse access to this web site at any time in its sole discretion.
6.3 Events at the Hellenic Museum occasionally attract some media interest. By purchasing your ticket and/or attending the event you are agreeing for your name, photograph and/or footage of you to be used for promotional or advertising purposes.
7.0 Variation
7.1 The Hellenic Museum reserves the right to vary these terms at any time. Variations become effective upon posting on the web site. By visiting Hellenic Museum Sites or making a purchase through this site after the terms and conditions have been varied, you agree to be bound by the variation.
7.2 If any of these Terms and Conditions are illegal or unenforceable, the offending part is to be disregarded and does not affect the remaining part.